How Plumbing Snakes Work: Your Step-by-Step Guide


If you've ever faced a stubborn clog in your plumbing system, then you’re no stranger to the frustration it can cause. While chemical drain cleaners are an option, they might not always get the job done. This is where a plumbing snake becomes a superhero tool for tackling drain clogs effectively. In this quick guide, we'll cover what a plumbing snake is, how it works, and how to use it in just 6 easy steps.


Understanding the Plumbing Snake: What Is It?

A plumbing snake, also known as a drain snake or drain auger, is a flexible tool used to clear clogs in pipes. It consists of a long, coiled metal wire with a handle on one end and rotating blades on the other. The design of the snake allows it to navigate through the twists and turns in pipes, reaching clogs that are otherwise impossible to reach.

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How Does a Plumbing Snake Work?

Using a plumbing snake is easier than it seems—you got this! Here's a quick breakdown of the 6 steps to using a plumbing snake:

1. Locate the Clog

Before using a plumbing snake, find the location of the clog. This is an important first step in determining where to insert the snake and applying the right amount of force.

2. Prepare the Plumbing Snake

Extend the snake to its full length, making sure that the auger or blades at the end are ready to make contact with the clog. If using an electric or motorized snake, make sure it's powered up and ready for operation.

3. Insert the Snake into the Drain

Gently insert the end of the plumbing snake into the drain opening. Slowly feed the snake into the pipe while turning the handle or activating the motorized mechanism.

4. Navigate the Pipe

As you insert the snake and feel resistance, continue turning the handle or guiding the motorized snake. The auger or blades will help break through the clog. Be patient and apply steady pressure to successfully get the snake through the pipe.

5. Break Up the Clog

Once the snake reaches the clog, the auger or blades will work to break it apart. Continue turning the handle or operating the motorized snake to ensure it penetrates thoroughly.

6. Retrieve the Snake

Carefully retract the plumbing snake once you've successfully cleared the clog. Make sure to clean the snake thoroughly to remove any debris or residue for next time!


Tips for Using a Plumbing Snake Effectively

  • Wear protective gear: To avoid splashes or contact with debris, wear gloves and safety glasses when using a plumbing snake.

  • Choose the right snake: Different types of plumbing snakes are available for various drains—choose the appropriate snake for the size and type of pipe you're working on!

  • Apply steady pressure: Consistent pressure is key to breaking through clogs, but be sure to avoid excessive force as it may damage the pipes.


Conclusion: A Valuable Tool for Unclogging Pipes

Ultimately, a plumbing snake is a an effective tool for tackling stubborn clogs. Understanding how to use it properly can save you time and money instead of relying on chemical drain cleaners or calling in a pro. Now that you’ve read this quick step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to confidently use a plumbing snake to keep your drains flowing smoothly.

Remember, while a plumbing snake is a handy DIY tool, if you experience ongoing or complex plumbing issues, it's recommended to seek professional assistance.


FAQs About Using a Plumbing Snake

Q: Can I use a plumbing snake on any type of drain clog?

A: Plumbing snakes are versatile tools and can be used on various types of drain clogs, including those in sinks, showers, and toilets. However, it's essential to choose the right type of snake for the specific drain and clog you’re dealing with.

Q: Is using a plumbing snake difficult for a beginner?

A: While using a plumbing snake might seem intimidating at first, it’s a skill that you can master quickly. With this step-by-step guide and some patience, even a beginner can effectively use a plumbing snake to clear minor clogs.

Q: Can a plumbing snake damage my pipes?

A: When used correctly, a plumbing snake shouldn’t damage your pipes. However, it's important to choose the right type of snake for your pipes and avoid using excessive force. If you're not confident or dealing with delicate pipes, consider calling in a professional for assistance.

Q: Are there different types of plumbing snakes available?

A: Yes! There are various types of plumbing snakes, including handheld manual snakes and motorized or electric snakes. The type you choose depends on the severity of the clog and the size of the pipes. Check the user manual or ask for tips from your local hardware store to choose the most suitable snake for your clog.

Q: What should I do if the plumbing snake doesn't work?

A: If your attempt at unclogging a drain with a plumbing snake isn’t successful, it might indicate a more significant issue. In this case, it's recommended to call a professional plumber to assess and address the problem. Continuing to force the snake may worsen the situation or cause damage!

Q: Are there alternatives to using a plumbing snake for clearing drains?

A: Yes, there are alternative methods for clearing drains, like chemical drain cleaners, plungers, or natural remedies like baking soda and vinegar. However, these methods might not be as effective for certain types of clogs, making a plumbing snake a valuable tool in your DIY toolkit.

Q: Can I rent a plumbing snake, or should I buy one?

A: Both options are available. If you anticipate using a plumbing snake occasionally, renting one from a hardware store could be a cost-effective choice. But, if you often deal with clogged drains or anticipate plumbing emergencies, owning a plumbing snake can provide convenience and save you money in the long run.

💡 Pro Tip

Use a plumbing snake as a preventative measure for clogs! While plumbing snakes are primarily used for clearing clogs, some homeowners use them as a preventive measure by occasionally snaking their drains. But, use a plumbing snake with care—unnecessary or aggressive snaking can potentially cause damage to your pipes.

Q: If I can’t fix a drain clog, how can I get help from Austin Plumbery?

It’s easy! Just give us a call or text us at (512) 766-1519 to get a quote and schedule a home visit.