How to Fix a Pipe Under the Sink: A Step-by-Step Guide

A built in double bathroom sink with blue cupboards and hold faucets, with a title that says "How to Fix a Pipe Under the Sink"

Discovering a leak under your sink is a pain in the butt for anyone, and if left untreated, it can create long-term damage that’s expensive to fix. But, Austin Plumbery is here to help! With a few simple tools and our guidance, you’ll have that leaky pipe fixed in no time. In this quick step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of fixing a pipe under your sink like a pro and teach you the skills to handle common plumbing concerns all on your own.


Step 1: Gather Your Tools

Start by ensuring you have the necessary tools on hand: an adjustable wrench, a bucket, a pipe cutter or hacksaw, plumber’s tape (also known as Teflon tape or PTFE tape), and a replacement pipe if needed.


Step 2: Turn Off the Water

Find the shut-off valve under the sink and turn it clockwise to stop the water supply. If there isn't a specific valve for your sink, you may need to shut off the main water supply to your home.


Step 3: Place the Bucket

Place a bucket under the pipe to catch any residual water—you’ll avoid a mess and it makes the overall process quicker and easier.


Step 4: Loosen the Connections

Using your adjustable wrench, gently loosen the connections on both ends of the damaged pipe. Be patient, and if needed, tap the wrench's handle for a bit of added leverage.


Step 5: Remove the Problem Pipe

Carefully remove the damaged pipe, and take extra care if you're dealing with a P-trap. What’s a P-trap? It’s a bend in a drain and waste pipe that contains a pocket of water—this pocket of water blocks toxic, foul-smelling sewer gases (like methane) from coming through the pipe into your home. After removing, empty the contents into the bucket.


Step 6: Cut the New Pipe to Size

First, measure the length of the replacement pipe against the removed one. Use a pipe cutter or hacksaw to trim the new pipe to the appropriate size. Take your time when cutting; you don’t want to have to cut twice, or worse, hurt yourself!


Step 7: Attach the New Pipe

Slide the new pipe into place, securing it by tightening the connections with your adjustable wrench. Aim for a secure fit without over-tightening.


Step 8: Wrap It Up with Plumber's Tape

To make sure you have a secure seal, wrap the threaded ends of the pipes with plumbers tape. This simple step helps prevent future leaks!


Step 9: Turn the Water Back On

With the new pipe securely in place, you’re safe to turn the water supply back on. Keep an eye out for any signs of leaks in the days after the repair to be sure it was successful!


Step 10: Check for Leaks and Tighten if Necessary

Make a habit of checking your work for any signs of leaks—if you notice any, tighten the connections slightly. Remember, a snug fit is key for a leak-free solution. If you’ve made it this far, congrats! You’ve successfully fixed the pipe under your sink.

If you notice that the leak returns despite your best efforts, it could be part of a bigger issue and Austin Plumbery is here to help. We’re on standby to answer any pressing questions and help figure out your best plan of action. Sometimes, the reassurance of a pro is the best solution!


FAQs About Fixing Pipes

Q: How do I know if there's a leak under my sink?

A: Signs of a leak could include water pooling under the sink, dampness or discoloration of the surrounding area, or the presence of moldy and musty odors. Keep consistent with visual inspections and tackle any signs of a leak right away!

Q: What should I do if I can't find the shut-off valve under the sink?

A: If there's no specific shut-off valve, you'll need to turn off the main water supply to your home. The main shut-off valve is typically found near the water meter or where the main water line enters your home.

Q: Can I use any replacement pipe, or do I need a specific type of pipe?

A: It's important to use a replacement pipe that’s suitable for plumbing. Measure the size of the damaged pipe and be sure to get a replacement that’s the same material and diameter. You can bring your damaged pipe into a hardware store for a second opinion!

Q: Is plumbers tape necessary, and how do I apply it correctly?

A: Yes, plumbers tape helps create a tight, leak-resistant seal. Wrap the tape clockwise around the threaded ends of the pipes, ensuring it covers the threads completely without overlapping.

Q: Can I use this guide for fixing pipes in other parts of my home?

A: While the general steps in this guide apply, it's key to note that plumbing configurations can vary and are sometimes complicated. Use this guide as a reference, but be careful! Consider consulting with a professional for more complex issues or if you’re not feeling too confident in fixing it yourself.

Q: How often should I inspect the pipes under my sink?

A: Regular inspections, ideally annually, can help catch issues early. But, if you notice any signs of leaks or other problems, it's smart to inspect more often and address concerns right away to avoid larger issues.

Q: Q: What if the problem continues after I fix the pipe?

A: If the issue continues or gets worse, you should connect with a professional plumber for help. Ongoing problems could suggest that a more pressing issue is present and needs an expert diagnosis.

💡 Pro Tip

If you’re having issues with loosening the connections, try applying a penetrating oil to loosen them. Avoid excessive force, since it may lead to further damage. If you’re stuck, ask a pro for help!

Q: How can I get a quote for fixing a pipe?

It’s easy! Just give us a call or text us at (512) 766-1519 to get a quote and schedule a home visit.